
Web Based Email Marketing

Create / Edit Emails

  • Simple WYSIWYG Newsletter/Email Editor
  • File Manager for Images
  • Custom Email Design Flexibility
  • Image library for future use
  • Choose from already existing templates
  • Upload multiple images
  • Create newsletter templates
  • Import email template in a ZIP file
  • Adjust any of the existing templates for your own use
  • Personalization (Any Database Field)
  • Copy a template
  • Customize the ‘from’ email
  • Create your own HTML email
  • Choose to Include Opt Out Link with existing instructions
  • Save and rename prepared emails
  • Add link tracking to email click through urls
  • Design with your favorite tools
  • Can remove link tracking
  • Build reusable templates
  • Forward to a Friend
  • Free template gallery
  • Social media integration - Facebook, Twitter and more...
  • Text-Only Email
  • Google analytics integration

Send Campaigns

  • Advanced search options
  • Zero wait time to deliver emails
  • Scheduled campaign send time and date
  • Top notch deliverability
  • Secure server
  • ISP relationships and active whitelisting status
  • Sent from non-black listed IP addresses
  • Abuse reporting with feedback loops

Database / List Management

  • Mail-merge personalization
  • Auto exclude duplicate contacts
  • Web registration and subscribe forms for your site
  • Subtract contact from existing list
  • Trigger based autoresponder on registration
  • Manually create list
  • Auto customer profile updates
  • Unlimited number of lists
  • Subscribe and unsubscribe management
  • Customize the subscribe process
  • Bounce management
  • Confirmed Opt-in
  • Flexible import process
  • Customize the unsubscribe process
  • Upload list via Excel, csv or text file
  • Segmentation
  • Append to already existing list
  • Export to Excel

Reporting and analytics

  • Real time reporting
  • Interactive chart reporting
  • Number of emails received
  • Open and click tracking
  • Number of email opened
  • Bounce back email reports
  • Detailed click-through and links clicked (unique vs. total)
  • Spam complaint reports
  • Who clicked links
  • Export all reports to Excel
  • Click through rate percentage (%)
  • Bounce back Email reports
  • Unsubscriber email reports

Deliverability and data security

  • Human approval process
  • Strict permission policy
  • ISP feedback loop integration
  • Our team constantly monitor blacklists
  • Support for DomainKeys and Sender ID
  • Comprehensive privacy policy
  • Smart bounce processing
  • Multiple layers of data security
  • Whitelisted at major ISP's
  • Blacklist monitoring
  • Run your email through spam filters

Support and community

  • Comprehensive help system
  • Phone Support
  • Expert email design advice
  • Emarketing Newsletters / Articles
  • Free tips, resources and downloads
  • Spam Act Compliance System
  • Free email templates